How to choose the best hotel for your family vacation?

Sooner or later each young family with a little child decides to go on vacation with the whole family. A wide range of important factors should be considered, because when you choose the accommodation facility suitable for family rest, you'll have the most convenient conditions for each member of your family for sure. You’ll have only positive impressions and pleasant memories after such vacation.

So, what factors should be considered when choosing a hotel for family vacation with a child?

Transport accessibility

No doubt, this factor is one of the most important, not only for travelers with babies, but also for those with children of preschool and primary school age. Especially if you get to the place of your rest by plane, that’s not the best perspective to spend few more hours in the bus with a child on your arms. Therefore, when choosing a hotel or a recreation complex, you need to focus on those locations that can be quickly reached by transfer, taxi or public transport.


It is important for families traveling with children to avoid hotels located in the central part of the city near the nightclubs and entertainment establishments. The best solution is to choose the recreation complex located in a quiet and peaceful place, and is ideal for a measured family vacation and walks.

A room and a bed for a child

Certainly, the room is the most important thing. First of all, you should avoid two-story rooms with a steep staircase, because you have to keep an eye on a small child all the time. Another important thing is a bed that the recreation complex can offer for the little kids. It can be a crib, a folding bed, an armchair-bed, or a sofa. The conditions of providing extra beds should be discussed beforehand.

Не менш важливий момент – спальне місце, яке відпочинковий комплекс може запропонувати для малечі. Це може бути дитяче ліжечко, розкладачка, крісло-ліжко, диван. Також обов’язково треба уточнити умови, на яких воно буде надано.


Steep paths and stairs are a real test for walks with a stroller, so before booking a room it’s worth asking about the surrounding area. In this case the best option is a complex with a flat area. Perfectly, if there are spacious areas with greenery, shady alleys and comfortable benches. An as extra bonus of some family-oriented hotels is the availability of playgrounds equipped with swings, sandpits, slides etc.

Infrastructure for children

The hotels with well-developed infrastructure for children are preferable for long-term holidays with kids. Holidays will be much more convenient for kids and their parents, if the hotel has its own playroom or playground, mini-pool, contact zoo. Older children will enjoy a variety of activities, such as creative associations, discos, cinema, and concert programs. Parents should take notice of the location of the playground (well shaded places are ideal), as well as the condition, quality and safety of the playgrounds.

Батькам варто звернути увагу на те, де саме розміщено дитячий майданчик ( ідеально, якщо локація буде гарно затіненою), а також на стан, якість та безпечність ігрових комплексів.

Kids’ menu

Very important thing is the food offered at the hotel restaurant. Before choosing a place for family recreation with a child it’s necessary to find out whether the restaurant has the kids’ menu, and what dishes are served there. Often among the list of dishes offered for children, you can find useless items, such as fries, sodas, burgers, pizzas, hot dogs and other fast food.

If the hotel is ideal for all other parameters, but there is no kids' menu at the restaurant, it is worth asking whether there is an opportunity to order a personal cooking service for a child. Also there may be the rooms equipped with a small kitchen, where guests have a stove, kitchen appliances, utensils that allow you to cook yourself.

First aid

An accident can happen on vacation, as well as any other time. That’s why it is very important to prefer the hotel, where quick and qualified medical assistance can be provided

When choosing a hotel, it is necessary to find out if there’s a doctor or a medical center there, and if there isn’t, it is important to find out if there is any round by.

Reviews of real tourists

The reviews of people who have already stayed at the hotel of your choice are very useful. Especially the reviews of the families with children are preferable. All the advantages as well as disadvantages, such as room comfort, soundproofing, additional amenities, internet quality, taste and variety of dishes, professionalism of the staff, cleanliness, the possibility to order laundry, ironing, dry cleaning should be analyzed.


Family holidays with children are the event of the year that all the family members look forward to. And it is very important to choose your temporary home with great responsibility, because the level of comfort created there, friendliness of the staff, food quality and other factors will directly influence on your relax and reinstate for your future working days.

Have good holidays and unforgettable impressions!